dijous, 22 de desembre del 2016

MODULE 4. Assessment on CLIL

1. Teacher's, peer's and self Assessment.

You can follow this link to see it.

2. Thinking routine and how to use it.

Asking questions: What we know? What we want to know?
Students are going to ask some questions, such as: what do you know about this topic? What questions or puzzles do you have? How can you explore this topic?
Because of their early age, we are going to do it with the whole class, letting teacher help them with some clues, ideas or new questions.
This activity will be done at the beginning of the unit: teacher will be able to know which students’ previous knowledge is and even their curiosities about the topic.
We are going to do it in English, but if they need some help we can use Catalan or Spanish too. They will need language scaffolding in order to know which structures are appropriate to use in this case and they will have to pay attention to the rules when sharing opinions with another person are: respect turns, raise hand, be in silence...
I’m going to use this thinking routine before starting the unit, like a brain storming, writing down on a blackboard or a PDI student’ ideas.

3. My personal thought:

→ I learned how to create a correct assessment following the aims of CLIL methodology.
To do it, I have to read some articles about assessment.
The most difficult step it was to adapt peer's and self-assessment for pre-primary students.
→ I would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject, especially to learn more thinks about pre-primary assessment.

What kind of assessment you are going to do with young students?

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